Artist Biography

I am Satyam Shekhar Jha. 

I am a generative artist, i started with simulating physical systems and plotting their trajectories to exhibit aesthetic patterns on Python with NumPy and matplotlib. Later on I discovered TouchDesigner and started making audio-reactive videos. From a few months, I've been trying to synthesize my own sounds using Touchdesigner, meanwhile learning about music production and sound design to make it more pleasing. I plan on learning to control DMX lights too, maybe next year. 

I am a Physicist, i am a full time physics Ph.D. student at Queens College, NYC. Currently I am working with Optomechanical oscillations with Prof. Deych in my 3rd year. For my paychecks i work on non-linear systems but for i own pursuits I examine various complex systems such as cellular automata, Markov processes, diffusion, molecular dynamics and fractals. M.C. Escher and many other artisits have incorporated concepts like hyperbolic geometry to expand our sense of space. I explore such analogies between aesthetics and symmetries using analytical dynamics and molecular simulations. Which led to me discovering generative art. It is something that involved coding, physics and art , all the things that I loved and lived for.

I am a friend. In my observation, some of the most humane people and my friends I've found were people who appreciated art as a medium of expression. And I'd like to find those people again. If you feel like you are one, shoot me a mail. Let's catch up!
Artist Statement

Satyam belongs to Jamshedpur. an industrial town in Jharkhand, India. Satyam got his undergraduate and graduate degree from from a reknowned engineering college Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in BHU, Varanasi, India. Satyam was also a part of the Fine Arts Club in IIT (BHU) where he was the Joint secretary of the club handling various financial and leadership goals. He also got a diploma in sculpting from Faculty of Visual Arts, BHU, India in 2019. He went on to do his Phd in CUNY, USA in physics. The pursuit to understand art and physics led him to discover new media arts. When he finally reached NYC in 2021 , the art world seemed lucrative and he wanted to be a part of it. But he didn't know his part in that world yet, which he is still looking for.

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